15:30 - 15:45 15:45 - 16:30 |
Registration and Networking China Tourism Forum - Inbound China has become the 4th largest tourism market in term of international arrivals however, with its territory as big as the entire Europe combined and the tourism industry has been elevated to become a pillar industry in the country China is set to develop its inbound tourism even further. Speakers: Dr. Adam Wu (Moderator), Chief Operating Officer, China Business Network Mr. Jiang Qikang, Secretary General of China Tourism Association Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, President of International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) Mrs. Yu Ningning, President of China International Travel Service (CITS) Ms Chao Xiaohui - Shanghai Tourism Administration Ms Hai Lili representing Travel Industry of Xin-jiang Autonomous Region Associate Professor Pat Wood, Hon Researcher Peking University, Senior Research Fellow Creative Industries Global Policy Institute Q & A if time permits |
16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17:30 |
1st 15 minutes for registration and networking
China Tourism Forum - Outbound With 70 million outbound visitors from China visiting other parts of the world in 2011 and rising to possibly 80 million by the end of 2012, China truly has become Asia's largest and world's third largest tourist source as well as a driving force of the travel and tourism industry worldwide. The outbound session will be mainly in the form of panel discussion focusing on the following questions and also taking questions from the audience. |

About China Tourism Forum
Therefore, the special session on "China Tourism – Inbound and Outbound" during the WTM 2012 will be a eagerly waited platform where senior tourism officials will be able to present the latest development of tourism to and from China to senior travel professionals worldwide. Industrial experts will be sharing their expertise and experience in sending visitors to and attracting visitors from China as well as the huge spending power of the Chinese visitors with numbers growing to over 80 million as expected by the end of 2012.
The first session will focus on inbound to China. Once the session is over those interested in outbound will stay for networking prior to the second session which will focus on outbound from China.
The outbound session will be more devoted to sharing experience on Outbound travel from China which has proven to be very hot topic and hugely popular among many foreign tour operators, tourist attractions, shopping venues etc. as well as tourism promotion authorities
Audience: tourism promotion authorities, tour operators, tourist attractions, shopping venues etc. as well as and travel businesses that wish to attract visitors from China.